区块链时代的“数字玉石”:玉币(Jade Coin)技术团队解密加密货币未来路径
2025-03-06 20:49:35

世界珠宝联合会主席、玉币首席执行官Gaetano Cavalieri博士和玉币首席技术官yan (James)jiang博士

Exclusive Interview with Jade Coin Co-Founders

Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri, President of the World Jewellery Confederation and CEO of Jade Coin, and Dr. Yan (James) Jiang, Chief Technology Officer of Jade Coin


Gaetano Cavalieri博士:玉币是玉商圈平台的原生货币,是孵化玉币的摇篮,也是用户获取玉币与储存玉币的工具,作为区块链平台,我们对其的处理能力加强,使平台交易速度极快,达到每秒1000+TPS(交易每秒处理量),适用于资金量大或者跨境交易。对于扮演的角色,玉商圈更像是为玉币而生,因为玉币的存在,才会有玉商圈这个平台的存在。

Q: What role does Jade Marketplace play in the Jade Coin ecosystem?

Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri:Jade Coin is the native currency of the Jade Marketplace platform. It serves as the cradle for incubating Jade Coin and as a tool for users to acquire and store Jade Coin. As a blockchain platform, we have enhanced its processing capabilities, enabling extremely fast transaction speeds of over 1000 TPS (transactions per second), making it suitable for high-volume or cross-border transactions.

As for its role, Jade Marketplace is essentially built for Jade Coin. The existence of Jade Marketplace is directly tied to the existence of Jade Coin.


yan (James)jiang博士:作为玉币的首席技术官,我们已经解决了底层区块链的问题,现在我们技术团队把目标放在更高层级的区块链建设,包括独立钱包的开发,独立社区应用和玉币的衍生金融产品,我相信我们很快就能有更好的关于玉币的应用延展。


Question: As a cryptocurrency, what is the biggest challenge Jade Coin currently faces?

Dr. Yan (James) Jiang: As the Chief Technology Officer of Jade Coin, we have addressed the issues at the foundational blockchain level. Our technical team is now focusing on higher-level blockchain developments, including the development of an independent wallet, standalone community applications, and derivative financial products for Jade Coin. I believe we will soon achieve better application extensions for Jade Coin.

Additionally, Jade Marketplace, as a platform with virtual currency attributes, still needs to strengthen its recognition in the Chinese market. Feedback from our representatives in China indicates that we need to increase investment in promoting this endeavor and support those who align with our vision. Of course, our CEO and I have discussed this privately, and we are committed to supporting capable individuals. For our Chinese customers, we respect their culture and are aware of the gaps in the Chinese blockchain market, which is why we have chosen the East Asian market. As the project team, we will certainly work hard.


Gaetano Cavalieri博士:对于我来说,我担任过很多机构的领导层,包括美国宝石学院、欧洲分析协会、国际有色宝石协会等很多权威单位。大家对于旧的技术的研究,已经到了炉火纯青的地步,已经没有再继续研究的可能,就算是有,课题的空间也是非常小了。我是非常热爱玉石行业的,我的家里收藏了很多有名的玉石、宝石、翡翠,同时我对区块链技术也很感兴趣,我接触过很多企业家,都在向我推荐和介绍。我知道这是一种新型技术,未来不论什么领域,都会跟这项技术挂钩。所以我觉得我应该也有能力去接触、去融合。玉币的象征意义很好,我们研究了很多,调研了很多,最终决定以东亚为最初的起点,东亚市场的开发潜力与价值是最大的。我想,这就是我的初心。

yan (James)jiang博士:我在区块链行业深耕多年,参与过很多有名的项目研发,作为区块链技术的核心拥有者,我对于玉币这个项目,是看好的。不然我也不会出现在公众面前。我们的CEO,G博士他给了我很大的信心,他让我知道了区块链其实并不是一种技术,而是一种传承,融合了多种意义后,区块链就是时代的化身,玉币就是时代的产物,同时我们项目团队非常的团结,包括财务团队,规划团队等。玉币是非常优质的项目,这也是我提供区块链技术的目的,如果这么优质的项目不参加,难道我要去跟华尔街的那些饿狼一起做项目吗?我的初心就像一种执念,一定做出一种具有跨时代意义的产物,而它就是玉币。

Q: What were the original intentions of the two CEOs regarding Jade Coin?

Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri: In my career, I have held leadership positions in numerous institutions, including the Gemological Institute of America, the European Federation of Gemological Laboratories, and the International Colored Gemstone Association, among others. Our research into traditional technologies has reached a pinnacle, leaving limited room for further exploration. My passion for the jade industry is profound; my home boasts a collection of renowned jadeite, gemstones, and emeralds. Simultaneously, I have developed a keen interest in blockchain technology, having been introduced to it by various entrepreneurs. Recognizing it as an emerging technology that will intersect with all sectors in the future, I felt compelled to engage and integrate with it. The symbolic significance of Jade Coin is profound. After extensive research and surveys, we decided to initiate our journey in East Asia, a market with immense developmental potential and value. I believe this encapsulates my original intention.

Dr. Yan (James) Jiang: Having dedicated many years to the blockchain industry and participated in numerous renowned project developments, I am optimistic about the Jade Coin project, especially as a core blockchain technology holder. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be presenting it publicly. Our CEO, Dr. G, has instilled great confidence in me, enlightening me that blockchain transcends mere technology; it embodies heritage, amalgamating various meanings, making it an embodiment of our era. Jade Coin is a product of this era. Our project team is exceptionally united, encompassing finance, planning, and other departments. Jade Coin is a high-quality project, which is why I am providing blockchain technology for it. If I didn’t participate in such a premium project, would I instead collaborate with the ‘wolves’ of Wall Street? My original intention is akin to an obsession—to create a product of cross-era significance, and that is Jade Coin.


yan (James)jiang博士:加密货币市场在过去十余年经历了快速发展,从比特币一枝独秀到发展出以太坊等主流币,以及稳定比的类别。比特币则被视为数字黄金,以太坊因为支持DeFi和NFT等丰富应用而被称为数字白银。近年来,机构投资者大举进入成为市场重要动力。北美地区约70%的加密交易量显示为大型金融机构的参与。尤其是最近两年,美国批准了首支比特币现货ETF等产品,促使高盛、富达、贝莱德等华尔街巨头也纷纷入场,标志着加密市场逐渐成熟并被主力接受。在我看来,加密货币市场主流货币不多,发展的潜力巨大,是未来几年最好的机遇,且加密技术一直在进步,催生出更多的新应用场景。我想,玉币未来也一定会成为主流加密货币之一,请投资者们拭目以待!

Q: In the past decade, the cryptocurrency market has experienced rapid growth. Dr. Jiang, what are your thoughts on this development?

Dr. Yan (James) Jiang: The cryptocurrency market has undergone significant evolution over the past decade. From Bitcoin’s initial dominance, we’ve witnessed the emergence of mainstream cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and the development of stablecoins. Bitcoin is often regarded as digital gold, while Ethereum, supporting applications like DeFi and NFTs, is dubbed digital silver. In recent years, institutional investors have become a driving force in the market. Notably, in North America, approximately 70% of crypto trading volume involves major financial institutions. The approval of the first Bitcoin spot ETF in the U.S. has prompted Wall Street giants like Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, and BlackRock to enter the space, signaling the market’s maturation and broader acceptance. In my view, while the number of mainstream cryptocurrencies remains limited, the potential for growth is immense, presenting significant opportunities in the coming years. Continuous advancements in cryptographic technology are leading to new application scenarios. I believe Jade Coin is poised to become one of the mainstream cryptocurrencies in the future, and I encourage investors to stay tuned.


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